

A student speaker at my high school graduation said something that has stuck with me for the last 15 years. 考虑到时间的流逝, 我肯定是在转述, 但是一般来说, he said: “You aren’t going to remember the time you got an A- on Mr. 马龙的物理测试. You won’t remember the time you checked in on-time and went to bed the night before a regular Tuesday of classes….What you will remember is the time you skipped Monday night dinner and walked to Romeo’s (the local pizza place) with your friends. You’ll remember the time you snuck out of the dorm for senior prank night. 你会记得你违反规则的时候, 要么被抓要么没被抓, 并留下了一生的记忆, 在乐趣的坩埚中锻造.” 

我的生活现在发现我在宿舍家长的位置, 老师, 和教练, 我不得不仔细考虑这些话. DISCLAIMER: In all of my official Solebury capacities, I do not condone the breaking of rules. I do not suggest that Solebury students will have no positive memories within the bounds of everyday fun. But what I do suggest is that the crucible that has created so many amazing moments in my time at Solebury is the very same one that forged my most distinct memories in my own school years and beyond: fun. 

There are many things that those of us who are part of the residential community at Solebury have missed during Covid. 我最怀念的是有时的混乱, 有时组织得很好, 索伯里总是独一无二的, 在沃尔特·兰姆大厅玩得很开心. 我怀念平日晚上在宿舍里随便玩的桌游. I miss the sometimes ill-fated prank wars that occur (were any of you here for the mad TP prankster?!..No?!...我老了). I miss the semi-regular burning of some food item in the Walter Lamb kitchen and the subsequent panic to try not to set off the fire alarm. 我怀念宿舍里井然有序的工作. 我特别怀念沃尔特·兰姆桌上足球联盟(WLFL). 

Some people might be surprised to learn that the WLFL was actually founded spontaneously as we sought to transform a night of boredom into fun in 2015. The iconic table soccer game that has little to no bearing on my everyday life suddenly became a way of life. 最初的讽刺, but then oh so real level of enthusiasm for the league is one of the things that is simply hard to replicate in the Covid world. 然而,我必须提醒自己的是:它会回来的. WLFL将在不久的将来回归(希望如此). Steve Buteux will be back to defend his title as the reigning defensive player of the year. Young upstart players from the 2020 WLFL will return to seek their revenge on their league rivals. 随机桌游之夜将会回归. Pranks gone wrong will be back (don’t look behind the framed photo at the top of the WL Hall stairs. 很长的故事, but a science experiment involving duct tape and a question about its ability to hold up a human...我说的太多了). Burning things in the kitchen will…well, hopefully not that one, but you get my point. 

It is natural during Covid to feel a sense of loss because we weren’t able to eng年龄 in the typical shenanigans and allegedly ironic enthusiasm surrounding boarding traditions that make Solebury such a fun place to be. However, with spring around the corner and the virus on the decline, these traditions will be back! 我想邀请你们这些今年的大四学生, and those who graduated in 2020 to take the lessons you’ve learned here and 带来乐趣 为你们未来的新社区干杯. 邀请你周围的人放松一下, 尝试新事物, and get completely wrapped up in something that does not matter at all except in that moment. 无论你走到哪里,都要成为乐趣的创造者和促进者, 你一定会找到幸福的, 交朋友, 并打造将伴随你一生的回忆.